How many promises are there in the Bible that God made?


There are over 200 promises in the Bible that God made. Some of the most well-known promises include the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ, the promise of eternal life, and the promise of eternal peace. These promises are so important to Christians that they are often referred to as "the gospel."

Definition of a promise

There are a total of twenty-seven promises in the Bible that God made. Out of these, six are unconditional promises, meaning that no matter what happens, God will always keep His promise to His people. These six promises are found in the opening of the Bible, in the book of Genesis. The remaining seventeen promises are conditional promises, meaning that if certain conditions are met, God will fulfill His promise. These conditions can vary, but some common examples are repentance (for example, Jonah 3:10), faith (for example, James 2:17), and obedience (for example, James 2:12).

Overview of the Bible

There are over 200 promises in the Bible that God made. Out of these, about half are conditional promises, meaning that if a certain condition is met, the promise will be fulfilled. For example, God says in Jeremiah 31:33-34, "But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." If the house of Israel keeps their part of the covenant, then God will put His law within them and write it on their hearts. This means that they will have a personal relationship with God and be able to understand His commands.

Promises in the Old Testament

There are a total of 66 promises in the Bible. Out of these, 43 are found in the Old Testament and 25 are found in the New Testament.

Promises to Abraham

There are a total of twenty-four promises in the Bible that God made to Abraham. Out of these, thirteen are found in the Old Testament and eleven are found in the New Testament.

Promises to Moses

There are over 100 promises in the Bible that God made to Moses. Out of these, only a few are mentioned in detail in the Bible. These specific promises are known as the "Ten Commandments."

Promises to David

There are a total of 207 promises in the Bible that God made to David. Out of these, only a handful are actually fulfilled in the Bible. For example, in Psalm 89, God promises to David that he will be the one to build a lasting kingdom and that his descendants will rule over the nations. However, this promise is not fulfilled until the coming of Jesus Christ. Other promises that are not fulfilled in the Bible include God's promise to never leave David alone and to always protect him, and God's promise to give David a son who will rule over Israel.

Promises in the New Testament

There are a total of 66 promises in the Bible that God made. Out of these, 43 are found in the Old Testament and 27 are found in the New Testament.

Promises to Jesus

There are many promises in the Bible that God made to his people. Some of the most famous promises are found in the Bible's book of Isaiah. Isaiah wrote about God's promise to create a new world in which everyone would be happy and have everything they need. God also promised to protect his people and to always be with them.

Promises to the Disciples

There are a total of 66 promises in the Bible that God made to his disciples. Out of these, 43 are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. This means that there are still 23 promises that God has yet to fulfill.

Promises to Believers

There are many promises in the Bible that God made to believers. Some of the most famous promises are found in the Bible's book of Isaiah. Isaiah wrote about God's promise to create a new heaven and a new earth, and to restore Israel as a nation. God also made a promise to send his son, Jesus, to die on the cross for the sins of humanity. These are just a few of the many promises that God made to believers.


There are a total of 66 promises in the Bible. Out of these, 43 are unconditional promises, meaning that God will always keep them. These promises include things like salvation, eternal life, and protection from danger. Another 18 promises are conditional promises, meaning that if certain conditions are met, God will fulfill them. These conditions can include things like repentance, faith, and obedience. The remaining 7 promises are partial or conditional promises, meaning that if certain conditions are met, God will partially or completely fulfill them.

Summary of promises in the Bible

There are a total of 66 promises in the Bible. Out of these, 43 are unconditional promises, while 27 are conditional promises.

Encouragement to trust in God’s promises

There are many promises in the Bible that God made. Some people may find it difficult to trust in God's promises, but it is important to remember that God is always faithful. The Bible is full of examples of how God has fulfilled His promises. It is important to remember that God is always good, and He will always do what is best for us.

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